Sunday, March 27, 2016

Strawberry Pie (311)

Happy Easter! Click for an Easter must-have, that's healthy too.
Today is Easter and we had my sister over for a lunch spectacular. Rather than having ham we had hamburgers and brats. We do plan on having ham later this week. Along with the brats and hamburgers we had potato salad and a veggie salad (a bunch of different veggies and a lot of different mixtures of dressings). But we had a dessert, Strawberry Pie and it was really, really good.

Not only was it really good, it's fairly healthy, but it's easy to make. We have only made this recipe a few times but its really good. Rather than using the pie crust, we used crushed up vanilla wafers and then combined with sugar and melted butter to create a hard crust and bottom layer. Then I filled the crust with sliced strawberries and put the layer of gelatin mixture over the strawberries I placed. Then I chilled the pie until it was time to be served. And when it was served we placed the Cool Whip on the table to be eaten with the pie. So I put a giant a giant scoop of Cool Whip and ate it up.

Man, that was one of the best pies I have ever tasted. It was a perfect pie for Easter and spring. I love strawberries and this pie was the bomb dot com. It screamed spring and that's exactly what I need right now. So close to the end of the school and even closer to the start of softball season. You will love the easiness of this recipe and the taste. But the best part is that it is fairly healthy. It is almost summer so we all got to get our beach bodies ready. I challenge everyone to try and make this recipe because you will love it.

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