Saturday, March 26, 2016

Discrimination (440)

Disclaimer: not dealing with food, just needs to be said
These past few weeks have not been pleasant for my community, (school and town). We had three teens that have lost there lives, they were too young to die but it happened. One was in a car accident, one committed suicide and one was shot. All tragedies that affect everyone. The one that hit home was the suicide, she was too young to die but she was bullied and couldn't take it anyone. I wanted to be there for her and help her but I didn't know her. She was the one victim that went to my school, a freshman. I didn't personally know her, never had a conversation with her, maybe passed her in the halls but I have no idea. I have only heard stories of her and seen pictures. She was absolutely beautiful and if only she had someone to let her know that. The names she was called, the words that she couldn't escape. To think that people in my school could do such a thing burns me. How can they go on in their lives knowing that they bullied her and lead her to the ultimate decision. And how they continue to say mean words about her. They were just jealous of her beauty, her laugh, her friends, everything. People just don't understand how peoples words/actions affect them.
There is no need to discriminate, that's all that seems to be in the media and in life. The presidential campaign and all the police shootings, when is enough going to be enough. People are so mean this days, so mean. Someone online said that if a girl weighs over 120 pounds they shouldn't wear bikinis. People judge over the littlest things. Why? Doesn't it take too much energy to be mean, it takes away from our Netflix watching time. Why even do it. Do you want to be bullied, do you want to go through what people who take their lives over words and actions? That should be a definite no, so don't do it. People discriminate over the littlest things, why go through the effort.
I leave you with one thing. Instead of going out of your way to be mean why not go out of the way to be nice. Be kinder and if you see someone being rude STAND UP for them. It crazy that my school has to have assemblies and have specific things to tell us no to be rude, not to discriminate. Be the person to start the process of being nice to each and everyone.
Rest easy Brielle!

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