Monday, December 14, 2015

Chocolate Croissants! (414)
If you having a chocolate addiction, and love croissants. This is the place for you.
I have been to St Maarten/St. Martin twice. Both times we stayed at this hotel across from a French bakery. Every morning my dad would go and get us croissants, I had to always be the princess and get the chocolate chip one's. Nothing was better than a fresh croissant from a little French bakery. I was so in love. I sit here writing this eating eggs. I would give anything to have those delicious things back. Maybe these weren't freshly homemade, in a French bakery, and probably not even comparable to the ones I made, but they were so delicious too.
This is a fairly simple recipe. Which I don't mind because that means its low stress. I made these on a Sunday morning out of the blue and my parents and I just kept eating them. Good thing I only made 8 of them. You start by separating the 8 dough triangles, mine keep ripping apart as I tore, so I just had to smooth them out and then they were good as new. Then you just sprinkle chocolate chips on them, I never really measured, I like chocolate and who doesn't so I added a lot. As it says in the recipe "use your best judgment." Then you just roll them up, start from the larger end and work your way to the point. You may have to redo it a few times and/or smooth it out. The next part, I was a little confused on why we do it. But it helps to create a golden brown crust. Beat up an egg, and smooth a little bit over the roll up croissants. My got all over the pan, so I feel like it was too much to be worth it, and you can't taste it at all. Then you just stick it into the oven for around 12 minutes.
I placed all of my finished croissants onto a small plate, the recipe shows you putting chocolate syrup on the top. I didn't because I was going for a close resemblance to what I had in St Maarten. I also made hot chocolate and it was so cute, and since it is almost Christmas it put me into the Christmas sprit. I would totally recommend making these, they are so easy and so simple and so cute.

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