Sunday, October 11, 2015

Peanut Butter (jelly time?)

Now if you’re like my AP Lang class and enjoy eating peanut butter out of the jar in huge amounts, this is for you. Most of my classmates bring a jar of peanut butter to share with their tablemates, I don't participate in this, but a lot of people take out their spoons and take a scoop and eat it while learning about diction. Hour 3 has the reputation of being the "Peanut Butter Hour" but shoutout to MIZZAY for allowing the consumption of it.

Peanut Butter is amazing in so many recipes and by itself that is if you aren't allergic, and if you are allergic, my condolences. I don't think there is something you can’t put peanut butter in that isn't tasty. Of course, there are peanut butter sandwiches, which are my breakfast sandwiches of choice. You can put them into smoothies, have them with bananas, or even eat them with pickles (one of my teammates eat them like this, I don't know if I can bring myself to try this). Peanut Butter cookies are really good too. The point is that the list of recipes where peanut butter is an ingredient is endless.

Most people consider peanut butter to be nutritious and healthy based on the fact that it is full of protein but according to there are positives and negatives with peanut butter. A positive for starters, is that peanut butter isn't really a processed food. Peanut Butter also is a balanced energy source, because of the 20 grams of carbs, 25 grams of protein, and 50 grams of fat it has and the many nutrients vital to health. But with all the nutrients, peanut butter has potentially harmful substances in them, aflatoxins is a fungus that lives underground, where peanuts grow. However, aflatoxins are very rare to get. Something that you can't run from is the fatty acid that is present. When people sit down and start eating the whole jar it can cause harm because it's almost impossible to stop after a little bit of it and it's really hard to resist the sweet taste of the PB.

Good news is that you probably won't have any complications if you only eat a little bit at a time, but if you sit down with a spoon and a whole jar that’s when the problems occur. But we all have those days where we just need to sit down and eat an entire jar, it's okay, have those days just not every day. I love peanut butter and won't stop eating it now, so grab those shovels, and look on the bright side.

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